Tuesday was a lovely afternoon despite the heavy rain, as I had the chance of seeing The Bright playing live (for free). It was an intimate, acoustic set, just Miryam, Anibal, their guitars and their unforced, genuine and natural charm. For almost 45 minutes they offered a good taste of their absolutely recommendable album, "Soundtrack for a Winter's Tale", some additional songs, and a funny version of Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire". They even came back to "stage" with an unexpected encore, as the small crowd didn't want to leave.
In a time so much paraphernalia surrounds music industry, it is so refreshing to see and hear a band to go "back to the bone" of music, it's so rewarding to watch a group just worried about what matters: the music. While they are not reinventing the wheel with their classic folk-rock, they do have a kind of spark playing. During the afternoon, when Miryam's voice tore down she reached a touching climax several times, revealing that she's not just a pretty voice, she's a fantastic singer. And live, they confirmed what we already knew from the album. They have an style, but they can show different sides: an eerie, countrified approach sometimes, a smoky, folkish some others, or a more upbeat, poppier side. What matter's of course, is that The Bright have tunes to defend these approaches, take gems like "Odd Towns", "Coffee & Wine", "Your Private Garden", that we heard on Tuesday, as examples.

*Aside from the pics, I will update this post with a couple of videos soon!
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