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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Best Records of the Year 2019: 40-21

After our favorite EPs, now is time to unveil our Best Records of 2019! As we said in the previous post, the last twelve months we have published way less than we would have liked. So, in order to "repair" that scarcity of music (many groups left in the pipeline), we have thought it necessary to increase the number of bands included on the list, from 30 to 40, splitting the post in two. Therefore, here are our mandatory albums, the ones that have created our personal soundtrack and have helped us trough this incredibly long 2019, with this first chapter covering LPs from 40 to 21. Amazing albums, that deserve to be listened. And stay tuned, the Top 20 arrives tomorrow!

40. Struck Gold - Sprinters
39. Aniquilación - Los Punsetes
38. Ripe for Anarchy - Business of Dreams
37. Memory - Vivian Girls
36. Slow Century - I Was a King
35. It’s Real - Ex Hex
34. Birds Songs of a Killjoy - Bedouine
33. Río Arga - Río Arga
32. West Bay Playroom - Holiday Ghosts
31. Meadow Lane Park - Le Superhomard
30. A New Illusion - Rose Elinor Dougall
29. Reward for Effort - House Deposit
28. Gazing Globe - Outer Spaces
27. Mi Defensa Personal - Arista Fiera
26. Kiwanuka - Michael Kiwanuka
25. Kinship - She Keeps Bees
24. No Treasure But Hope - Tindersticks
23. Salto al Vacío - Star Trip
22. Beware of Dogs - Stella Donelly
21. Fireraisers Forever! - Comet Gain

Want to check the best recors of 20182017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012 and 2011?

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