Thursday, March 21, 2013

Trouble Will Find Me.. with The National

Ladies and gentlemen, the wait is almost over!

The National have just announced their sixth album will be out on May 20th and its called Trouble Will Find Me. Here's the tracklist:

Trouble Will Find Me
01 I Should Live in Salt
02 Demons
03 Don't Swallow the Cap
04 Fireproof
05 Sea of Love
06 Heavenfaced
07 This is the Last Time
08 Graceless
09 Slipped
10 I Need My Girl
11 Humiliation
12 Pink Rabbits
13 Hard to Find

Not too amazed by the cover (a bit too distressing for me) although it somewhats suits the intriguing and Nationary title. Way more excited by Matt's comments on the album:
For the past 10 years we'd been chasing something, wanting to prove something. And this chase was about trying to disprove our own insecurities. After touring High Violet, I think we felt like we'd finally gotten there. Now we could relax-- not in terms of our own expectations but we didn't have to prove our identity any longer."

So yes, a very special day for Bloodbuzzed, the countdown has begun! Here are two videos to keep the buzz going...

Lola = I Should Live in Salt (rumour says)
Prime = Graceless (rumour says)

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