Saturday, March 10, 2018

The Bloodbuzzed Jukebox Week 180

Even for those who were reluctant to support it or just believe it (some Spanish journalists and politicians which doesn't deserve to be quoted), the ones who criticizes it or the ones eager to take despicable profit of its historic success (blue or orange, the shit is the same), the highlight of the week (month, year, decade...) has been the feminist strike of past Thursday. Here's hoping it's only the first step o a real, global, unstoppable movement. And to continue with the good mood of the demonstration and the positive force of change, here comes our latest TOP TEN Jukebox. A variety of tunes from consecrated artists like Father John Misty to bands we have discovered recently but we can't (won't) get out of our heads, such as Whenyoung or Megrim. Ten stunning songs to keep the excitement going! And remember, all tunes are available at our Soundcloud. (Join Us!)

Direct links to 2018 Jukebox playlists

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