Thursday, May 7, 2015

A week with Boutade (part I)

Boutade (+ Patty Lodeiro) Ovella Negra, Barcelona, April 23rd 

Boutade, roaring indierock. Photo: Bloodbuzzed
This is a double concert review of the same band, Boutade, split on two articles. Why? Because it also tries to be a slightly different account on what goes on in the underground of our local scene. And because it's a very special post (spoiler alert): you don't review the band on which brother play that often. So I warn you. My objectivity might disappear from time to time.

"Saturday night is alright for fighting", sung Elton John. A pretty accurate definition of how hard an unsigned band has to battle to put out a show in this city (that pretends to be cool, but in all honesty is just a colossal fake). Anyway, no time to waste on many rants. Our favourite trio from Barcelona, Boutade, geared towards the emblematic Ovella Negra (how many nights of our youth wasted there), gathering many family members, friends and colleagues for a highly anticipated show. The atmosphere was relaxed, the vibes were comforting and, in typical Spanish fashion, it all began quite late, according to schedule. But it was all worth the wait.

Patty Lodeiro was the opening act of the night, in a short, warm-up, solo affair. Even despite she was suffering from throat issues, she showed her stunning vocal range which, combined with her natural sympathy, made the crowd enjoy most of the songs of her debut album 'Behind The Wire'. Next step, Primavera als Bars.

Charlie "Boutade", singer in the dark. Photo: Bloodbuzzed
Quickly arrived the time for Boutade to assault the stage, introducing us into their trademark universe of bleak feelings, ever-growing developments, and blistering melodies. Told you before, 'The Best Hunter' , where craftsmanship joined ventures with life putbacks and struggling moments, but songs survived. The reason is simple. The tunes are real, fierce, the sonic catharsis of flesh, bones and soul wounds. Take opening tune of the night, 'Thundering Nights', for example. A harsh, ominous intro, followed by a whirlwind of a sound. Here's not a band to make concessions, but to tell you a story. Their story. Unique but yet at the same time, quite familiar. The universal curse.

'Way to Escape', 'Biggest Wings', 'Grey Is a Lie' followed, showing the trio's ability to easily morph from a straightforward alternative rock combo (Afghan Whigs anyone?) to a more oblique, experimental one in a matter of minutes. And although the sound at the venue wasn't perfect, losing the chance to grab the full depth of their rich compositions at times, the indierock engines were rolling during all their set.

Once nerves disappeared, the middle section of the gig, with favourite 'In My Own Desert', 'Drop of Sea', and their instant single 'White Rats', became the highlights of the night, accompanied with the fact Boutade added another member to the group in the form of a cheerful keyboardist (which is a very interesting option). This humble blogger got goosebumps a couple of times, getting lost into the music, admiring the guys giving the best they have inside themselves up on stage, getting specially emotional thinking on how one of them has grown. Yes, it's called pride.

'Melodrama', 'Dirty Water' (when will we hear new songs?) and another gem in the form of 'Lost Friends' put the end of the concert. But the night was far from being over. It was time to meet & greet the familiar faces. Another plus from dealing with talented musicians with their foot on the ground. Next chapter coming very soon, but before, here you have a video of Boutade performing 'In My Own Desert' from the gig. Enjoy!

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