Tuesday, January 28, 2014

These Go to 11: interviewing Discos de Kirlian

For our next interview, we move again from musicians to a label owner. This time to introduce you to the man behind (and I mean it, he is a one-man label owner) the lovely Discos de Kirlian, which is a regular of our Spanish section. If you want to talk about indiepop in Spain... ask Òscar. These Go to 11!

Òscar Fernàndez, Discos de Kirlian
Mr.Kirlian, Scottish fiction
Indiepop activist (band and gigs promoter, fanzine creator), Òscar Fernàndez decided that one of the few things he had left to do was creating and indie label. So that's what he did in the summer of 2011, paying tribute to the legendary Spanish band Aventuras de Kirlian (later Le Mans) with its name. Based in Barcelona, Discos de Kirlian (also books) is DIY ethics and aesthetics as its best. Minimal infrastructure and logistics, homemade, very handcrafty production and design, and Internet promotion. And of course, and incredible taste and care. The result? The bands he has/is worked/working with speak for itself: Armistice, Lavandera, Gente Joven, Puzzles y Dragones, Coach Station Reunion, Doble Pletina, Juli Bustamante... One of the best labels in our country.

1. First record that you bought (be honest)
A cassette with Tino Casal first singles

2. First and last concert you have attended (be honest too!)  
Loquillo y los Togloditas (My hometown parties) and Barbacoa (29/12/2013).
That's what I call... A MUST

3. Guilty pleasure (song/band you shouldn’t like but you do, yes, it’s the embarrassing question)
More that I would like it. Does Elton John might he be one?

4. Most precious music item you own (collector mode on)
Maybe… The Field Mice, "Where'd You Learn to Kiss That Way?" (Shinkansen Recordings, 1998)

5. Favorite lyrics (not yours)
Belle and Sebastian, "We Rule the School".

Georgia Hubley, Yo La Tengo's 1/3
6. Musician/s you would like to meet (should be alive, for obvious reasons, but you can choose a dead one too)
Magnanimous nobody. Personal myths as Pascal Comelade, Stephen Pastel, Georgia Hubley or Cat Power.

7. Favorite artwork album (not yours)
"Dioptria", Pau Riba.

8. Books or movies? Depending on your answer recommend us one (trick: you can choose both)
I have read many more books. Any Enrique Vila-Matas's book is a good recommendation.

Lovely logo? Indeed, but
music behind is even better
9. Release (of yours) you are most proud of
All, indeed, the past ones and the future ones (so many don´t stay) ... I believe that I go away to feeling proudly all.

10. What’s does it mean indie for you? (yes, the “serious question”)
Always say the same: indie for my it´s a raison d'être and living, not only in my music, all the moments of my life. To be your same and to travel out of all the established procedure or that want to impose us.

11. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I wait that not very removed of now, probably out of music promoter/label works but with a lot of way “indie life”.
Zillion thanks Òscar!

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