Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Violence in Catalonia..but who are the violents?

Shameful and worrying morning spectacle today at Ciutadella, with a small group of violent people that have been insulting and committing acts of aggression to the member of the Catalonian Parliament that wanted to enter the building, that don't represent anyone. This lunatics aren't part of the "indignados/15M" (you can read here their official statement on today's events) movement, they just represent their own stupidity. But who exactly are they?

The following video doesn't justify today's violent acts and aggressions, which are absolutely despicable and unacceptable, but shows how far/low the police (meaning the politicians that give the orders) can get in order to create a violent situation that can justify their acts from repression. The subtitles are in Catalan (updated: also in Spanish), but the video speaks by itself clearly, specially at the end, when the suspicious group is "escorted" peacefully by the police.

UPDATE: As the original video has been censored in Spain, I have posted a new one, with subtitles in Spanish and Catalan. Additionally, let me provide some new links where you can watch it again, with more pictures and information Please check HERE

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