Saturday, May 14, 2011

"Reckless Serenade", good news from Arctic Monkeys

Today I have had the chance of listening the third song unveiled so far from "Suck it and See", the forthcoming album from the Arctic Monkeys, to be released on June 6th. And finally, after a horrible title, a pathetic artwork for the record (on the next Please No More Awful Covers post it will have a well deserved spot, for sure) and two so-so songs (in my opinion, of course), we have a reason to be excited about the new collection of tunes from Alex Turner and co. "Reckless Serenade" is great. Hope the record has plenty of this. Looking forward to hear this one live along with so many other classics at FIB Festival this summer.

Here it is
Arctic Monkeys- Reckless Serenade

And the previous songs, so you can make your own judgements. Enjoy!
Don't Sit Down 'Cause I've Moved Your Chair
Brick By Brick

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