Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Real Democracy Now! (hoping for the revolution)

I'm so happy Spain is finally getting indignant, and that we are reacting, reclaiming our rights. Maybe the time to revolt has arrived. As I already said in the blog (although I tried to keep the political posts to the minimum), i firmly believe (well I think its obvious) big, deep changes are needed. I thought society was disappointingly inactive, but happyly, I was wrong. Even at my job we have expressed openly and publicly our thoughts and supports today, something that makes me very proud:

The United Nations Association in Spain wants to express its support for all the people who are peacefully expressing their deep dissatisfaction with the current economic and social situation. We understand that the present course of events in our country, as in the rest of the world, reflects unambiguously the injustice of a system against which we cannot we be indifferent. The values and principles of the United Nations, the respect for human rights and human dignity, social justice and solidarity among peoples, are seriously challenged, confronted with the reigning corruption, hypocrisy and the market as the only value. So that’s why we join the protests.

Real Democracy Now!!

We are young despite the years we are concern
We are hope despite the times
All of the sudden, these days
Happy throngs, take this joy wherever, wherever you go

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