Thursday, February 10, 2011

Elbow: 1,2,3.....ignition!

Among the many records coming during next weeks/months, there's one that might not be topping the "highly anticipated" lists of the year 2011 but shouldn't be forgotten, one from a criminally understated band. "Build a Rocket Boys!", the return of Elbow, that will be out on March 7. And, judging on the two songs we already know, it seems our great expectactions will be right again with Guy Garvey & Co. I'm waiting for the rocket to ignite, but you can check the following videos by yourself and have your say!

"Neat Little Rows", selected as the first single. Great chorus and melody line.

And "Lippy Kids", the first taste the band offered from the album and a wonderful example of what makes Elbow so special. Gorgeous, elegantly restrained, but deeply emotional.

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